Finally, after much procrastination, my most awaited blog (by me the only one); my blog is up and on air. Finding the best title that I can ever put to set this whole thing up is a headache. My blog in short "My P.L.S" is meant for both sharing and discovery learning with everyone in the world who view and are interested in my StOrIeS. Would sincerely appreciate anyone who wish to key down any comments, ideas, feelings or whatever at the end of each "My P.L.S" master piece....

Saturday, September 20, 2008

RESOLUTION - YEAR 2008 !!! (Updated version)

Yipee !!

Year 2008 is finally here. Spending my New Year Eve in Ivy's house is such a great idea. Avoiding the jam, the sardine packed people, the boring-ness at home and the don't know what to do syndrome. It was a simple gathering of all my Aikido friends as well as some of Ivy's pretty friends. Eat (fried meehon, jelly, cake, fruits, 'tong shui', ice cream), drink (red wine, beer, chinese tea, sky juice), chit chat, games & countdown is all we did.

With the countdown ends, it would be good that I put down my Resolution for Year 2008. This year I :

1. Am receiving RM5,000.00 per month (by 31st December 2008)
2. Am changing my handphone (by June 2008) Done in Sept 2008
3. Am involved in more community service work / projects
4. Have stopped procastinating - Trying very best
5. Am keeping my room clean at all time
6. Have got myself a personal planner (by March 2008) - Done
7. Am being positive everytime every second everywhere no matter what happens Positive at all times !!!
8. Am treating my family members with love and joy
9. Have visited Bangkok (August 08) - Done, Kota Kinabalu, Shenzhen (Jan 08)- Done, Kuching (Jan 08) - Done , Bali
10. Am inspiring more individuals to live their life to the fullest - Doing & progressing
11. Have got myself a notebook (by October 2008)
12. Appreciate all friends who have and will come into my life (Appreciating)
13. Have myself a nice tone body - 6 packs (June 2008)
14. Am increasing my skills in People Development - Increasing with my new career
15. Am reading a book every month (minimum 12 books a year)
16. Am playing well in guitar

These are my New Year Resolution for now. I have mine posted, have you??

- ScOtTiE -
4th January 2008 (0123 hours)


Unknown said...

hey, i thought you are earning RM5000 a month! Should be aiming for Rm10,000 instead :P

And ...again...i didn't know you know to play guitar!

All my best to you in this good year of 2008.

JT said...

With the new year just around the corner, are you going to be starting a fresh list soon ?

I think this (posting new year resolution online) is really a good ... sorry, great idea. It is like declaring to the whole world our determination to achieve what we stated.

Hope you don't mind me borrowing your idea to post my resolutions next year :)

- ScOtTiE - said...

well New Year of course have to come along with another new sets of resolution. Some maybe repeating itself as it could not be achieve yet in the current year.

Well it is ideed declaring to the world....
