Finally, after much procrastination, my most awaited blog (by me the only one); my blog is up and on air. Finding the best title that I can ever put to set this whole thing up is a headache. My blog in short "My P.L.S" is meant for both sharing and discovery learning with everyone in the world who view and are interested in my StOrIeS. Would sincerely appreciate anyone who wish to key down any comments, ideas, feelings or whatever at the end of each "My P.L.S" master piece....

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

* cYcLe *

What goes around, comes around. What goes up, must
come down .....

"This is the economy cYcLe. Its goes up to a certain level, then it comes down and it goes up again". The economy cYcLe was being taught to me when I was in form 3 during a Kemahiran Hidup class. I still remember we were all seated in a special room that looks like a kitchen. My teacher was drawing on a white board with fan spinning around above our head. It was windy of course.

Those were the days when a new theory was being absorb in my mind forever. Not untill later in my journey towards a more knowledgeable me that I understand more. Whatever we been through day after day, is actually a cYcLe; also can be term as circle. We goes through the same 365days every year; we goes through the same 7 days a week; we goes through the same 24hours a day; we goes through the same routine (work, study, eat, shower, shit, etc); we goes through a conversation with the same people again and again.

We have our peak moments in life where we felt life is beautiful, rainbows are everywhere, birds are chirping, and life is great!! Then we come down to a point where our life sucks to the maximum, we could no longer bear with all problems lies infront of us, we want to run to a place where there's peace - where we could start all over again. Next, all we know, we found a solution to the initial problems and life is great again. At times, thinking back to ourselves, on our stupidity in wasting time for all nonsense only later when results (be it good or bad) has revealed. However we think later, we will still fall into the same cYcLe again in getting upset and then feeling happy again. Homosapien . . . thats life they said.

All the times we could choose to be what we want to be. When times are bad, and we choose to be upset and blaming others rather than thinking about the solution; our life will be SUCKS! If we choose otherwise, we save our time and use it better to find a solution. Meaning a faster recovery from any setback.

Its all about cYcLe in love as well (at least for me). Being compromise and sacrifice is a must in a relationship between two person; someone told me last time. But then again, how much can you compromise and how much will you sacrifice. The standard in each of us are so different. My standard maybe high in getting care from someone I love. But the other party may not be giving according to my standard because their standard is different; its lower. Hence I will be getting what they think its best according to their standard.

Hence, appreciate what you have no matter how small or how few you think you are getting. Ask yourself these today:
1. How many things in life that you have now; you are grateful for it?
2. Did you say thank you / a lil prayer every time you manage to solve a problem?
3. Have you hug someone lately and say "I like you" / "I love you" / "Thank you for everything" ?

Done any of it yet? No? It's okay. Life is a cYcLe, there will be time where you can do it. When is it, the time is now and now.

* Finally completed this blog after many days being stored in the fridge

- ScOtTiE -
24th December 2007 (1538 hours)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You're right, it's definitely a cycle in relationships. Compromise is a must, but how much to compromise (in both sides) is a question I've yet to get a good answer. Sob! Sob!