Finally, after much procrastination, my most awaited blog (by me the only one); my blog is up and on air. Finding the best title that I can ever put to set this whole thing up is a headache. My blog in short "My P.L.S" is meant for both sharing and discovery learning with everyone in the world who view and are interested in my StOrIeS. Would sincerely appreciate anyone who wish to key down any comments, ideas, feelings or whatever at the end of each "My P.L.S" master piece....

Friday, December 21, 2007

KL SJI A/C Training Camp 2007

It's been three (3) years; at last the first training camp on my tenure as KL SJI A/C's Divisional Officer came true. 15th - 17th December this year marked that special event for the division. Coming together to put up the whole camp was only nine (9) members and three (3) organizing committee members. Yeah... its only NINE of them. Even tho the participants is not much (with two ffk last minute), I would say its a well organized camp; the fact that its kinda last minute.

Day 1

I reached only at night as I was working that day in Bukit Jalil Golf & Resort (on program). As soon as I got into the class room, I started my first agenda for the camp. "Equipment Run". Sharing some ideas and thoughts about the equipments in the first aid kit as well as some other equipment. Later that night was their orientation night.

Day 2

This is the day where the members strength and mind are being put to test. Commando Endurance, MEFA, games, and other brain cracking activities have pull them down towards the end of day 2. Brain storming session was done at night. Getting members to put themselves in different roles and write what they think about their own division

Day 3
After 2 days of running around and strength test, the last day of this camp wasn't any easier. The ultimate activity was being put on the last day. When you are tired and not having enough sleep, how far can you push yourself?KL SJI A/C members pushes themselves to the max (at least to finish up the task). Oh yeah, the last activity for the camp is "First Aid Amaazing Race". It taps the members on teamwork, trust, ideas sharing, and of course quality.

It is always hard to start and its even harder to mantain. However, it always come from the first step. Without it, nothing will ever happen giving the time for another 10 more years. Even the participants level is low this year, at the minimum, this is the first step in getting a camp being organize. More shall come in the future. Good job guys and may all of you have a wonderful experience in the division until the very last day as a cadet member of SJAM.

Great work to Yap Calvin (Organizing chairman), Yip Yun & Eugene. Also thanks to Yoke Choy, Yoke Teck and also Shiau Wan for all help given. Be it small or big, we appreciate it.

" People come and go in our life, only a few could leave fond memories. Those few are people who we spend time with during our studies in any organizations "

- ScOtTiE -
24th December 2007 (1728 hours)

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