Finally, after much procrastination, my most awaited blog (by me the only one); my blog is up and on air. Finding the best title that I can ever put to set this whole thing up is a headache. My blog in short "My P.L.S" is meant for both sharing and discovery learning with everyone in the world who view and are interested in my StOrIeS. Would sincerely appreciate anyone who wish to key down any comments, ideas, feelings or whatever at the end of each "My P.L.S" master piece....

Sunday, April 19, 2009

An Organization That Motivates or Maybe Not

I always believed it is very important to keep on motivating individuals including ourselves to do more than what we can. Also most importantly is to ensure we continue doing the things better and better. Hence, if we are taking care a group of people, it is vital to have all these in place.

So many years being part of these Non Government Organization uniform body in Malaysia, it is indeed an experience full with ups and down. What motivates me to moved on from time to time are genuine people I meet throughout the years. Be it my superior, peers or even my members. All of whom I regarded as FRIENDS. Whatever I have received during my juniors years, I have reciprocate back to all those my juniors now too. Those include some motivation and help I have received along the way.

Well where ever there are people, there would be someone would like to used their power to press on some junior people. This happened to be someone who is the head of the state. I have always been on the neutral side until recently that I needed to put this feelings and thought of mine here on my blog.

"There was a ceremony that gives out a five (5) years service medal to all qualified. Obviously I am one of the recipient. However, due to work commitment, I could not attend the the ceremony and received it on my own. Hence, I went and asked whether I could have it since I was absent. The answer is no and I have to wait for the next ceremony. While I do understand that, but could not stop some questions on my mind:-

1. I knew of someone who managed to get from him. So what she can and I cant?
2. Reason given for not giving it to me now as to give me a lesson for not attending the ceremony. If that's the reason, then I would find the leader who never put himself in someone else shoes.

The fact that this was a NGO and I knew I have sacrificed alot of my time and money to build those members under me and also helping the organization in a way or another. I don't see why these should served as a lesson fr nt attending the ceremony if I have more important things to do, such as something that will give me income for me to live on. A simple thing that could be done to motivate a person to work more for teh organization will be dampen by just a simple medal.

By the way, I am not a person who eyed for medals and rewards. I knew that I have spent more time and money as compare to what I have gt so far. I am very happy and grateful with what I have now and the opportunities given to me. The only thing that I think the organization or maybe this leader lack of is the sense of motivating others.

A medal that cost RM50 (paid by one of my sponsor) will just be idle in his room and not knowing when would be the next ceremony and whether it would be given to me by then.

With such a simple ways to be grateful towards the members that have served for such a long time, the only motivation is "you can have it as to give you a lesson and wait for the next ceremony".

When that time comes, I think I'm getting my 10 years service medal. What a motivation from a big NGO............

~ ScOtTiE ~
19 April 2009 (2305 hours)

Monday, February 2, 2009

Non Halal - Pork Feast

Its time for another makan update again. This time would be a 101% non halal food feast. Its the Pork Feast. The sinful act happened yesterday (Sunday) night at Elcerdo (means The Pig). Its somewhere near Jalan Alor (exact road name - forgotten). Since the last round of having this kinda feast was few years back.

This Chinese New Year, with another six friends of mine, we gathered and stormed into Elcerdo for another feast. This time around is so much more expensive compare to last round. However, it is worth it. Let me introduce all the food I had that night.....

We have the menus on the table and ended up not sure what to asked for. hence we get the professional to recommend to us what's good. The menu is cute with the piggy pictures on it. Coming up first would be the cup of pork soup. It tasted nice to start off the dinner.

Yeah we did and had the chinese must have food during Chinese New Year - Yee Sang. Opps, I think we have just changed the name to Pork Sang. Yes!, those that is around the plate is not salmon but pork meat. It tasted real good, trust me - for those who eats pork la. Then we have the sausages.

From a glance, it looks like a normal "Siu Yuk" (roasted pork). As commented by my friends and I, this is the first time we eat roasted pork with fork and knife. Of course there are some vegetables and cranberries under that slice of pork. The half pigglet is said to be marinated for two (2) days with, errmm... either White or Red wine (forgotten). The skin is so crispy that you can actually cut it with a plate. This simple ceremony of cutting the small little pig is done by my friend with the help of the people there. To end the ceremony, the plate that was used for cutting has to be broken into a big wooden pail for good luck. It is nice.

Coming up next to end the pork feast are the ribs as well as the knuckles. By this time, I am full and was worry whether those pigs will haunt us in our dreams for that night. Hahaha.....

As usual, at times the meal would not be complete with a dessert towards the end. So all of us have one each of the warm chocolate cake with creamy chocolate in it. Also a Vanilla ice cream at the side. This is heaven and apparently it is even better than the Mudpie in TGIF.

By this time, our stomaches are so full that I could not resist to have a cup of green tea. Hopefully it will at least help a lil in my digestion. That cup of green tea cost me RM8.00 apparently. "Bill please", that was what we called for. It comes to a whopping RM1,058.60. I guess it was the most expensive one single dinner I ever had. Putting it equally among 7 of us, it comes to abut RM150.00 per person.

It's an expensive experience.... but it does worth it and the food is really good. However, this kinda restaurant is for special occasions. Else it will really burn your wallet. For those who enjoy pork like myself, Elcerdo is worth a try (at least once in a life time).

- ScOtTiE -
020209 (2131 hours)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Kluang ... Kota Kinabalu ... Penang ... Working Trip

Ahhh... it must be my "lazy" virus working on me again. Finally feel like updating on my eating encounter during my working trip outstation. Driving all the way down south then flying over to another side of Malaysia and lastly back to the north of Peninsular. It sounds like a all around trip to me now.

Anyway let's start with Kluang:

(Top to Bottom, Left to Right)

1. My lunch cum afternoon tea break: Kopi 'O' with 2 bun (butter & kaya) - taste good,

2. Dinner: I had a claypot mee that is a little different and also a spread of other food

3. 3rd night dinner: In one of the more famous western food restaurant in Kluang (Bunny's)

One place that I wanted to go so so much is Kluang Coffee Station (original in the train station). I was so upset on the last day morning before I left for KL, as the shop was closed. Damn, missed the roti bakar, nasi lemak and the coffee.
Next I was at Kota Kinabalu:

(Top to Bottom, Left to Right)

1. Mc Donalds it is (very obvious) - not knowing what to eat, that's what I settle down for on my 1st day lunch

2. Bread, bread and bread - with the wet weather after work, I choosed to have bread for dinner

3. Simple and nice lunch on the Indian rice - RM7.00 with the lemon tea

4. 2nd day Lunch - Banana Leave rice: normal and nothing to shout about. Its expensive, RM16

Finally up North in Penang:

(Topto Bottom, Left to Right)
As everyone always said, you dont need to worry about being hungry in Penang. Look at the food I had there.

1. Economy Rice, near Kek Lok Si Temple - Lunch: I thought it was Asam Laksa and Chee Cheong Fun in that area. I was wrong when my colleague brought me here. The variety of dishes is unimaginable. I was told one of the entertainment there is to watch one of the boss in that shop calculating. His speed is faster than we press on a calculator... trust me, it is really fast

2. Simple chinese dishes for dinner: Everything for two person is only RM26.00. The dish is wonderful that includes fried 'Ochian', fried vege with roasted pork, fried fish and a bowl of soup. The oyster in the fried 'Ochian' is as big as my thumb. Cant hardly get that size else where especially in KL.
Finished off for the night with a Milo Halia. It was indeed good and nice. Feel warm too on the stomach after the cuppa.
3. 2nd & 3rd night dinner : Loh Mee, Fried Kuey Teow, Prawn Mee and also Pasembur. Well the food is common in KL, but its just nicer having those food in Penang. My fave of the 4 was the Loh Mee. It's so different from the normal ones I had.

Mmmmm...... next stop is Kota Bharu. Wondering whethere there's any nice food there....

Ciaoz the mao,
~ ScOtTiE ~
21 Jan 2009 (2210 hours)

Monday, January 19, 2009

" Do Not Judge A Book By It's Cover "

We have so often listen to this sentence, however not often that we really think about it. Until certain things happened only we do.

It was a great and fulfilling day before I had this encounter. Went for a seminar on a lovely Saturday on "What and where to invest in 2009". To complete one of my task for the day, I've went to OneUtama fora simple hair cut. As usual when a pathetic chinese guy wanted a nice hair cut to usher in the Ox Year. A simple hair cut turns out to be one of the most annoying experience I ever had for the past 2 to 3 years at least.

Putting my foot forward into RUSSEL SALOON, a well design and expert looking saloon, I tried a hair cut that comes with a hair wash. Believe me it was nicely design (as in simple and comfortable looking). I started off with a hair wash which does not feel nice. This is normal to some of the saloon when the shampoo girl/ guy does not have enough strength to massage your head. Then came the washing away the shampoo part, the water drip on my back and wet my shirt: the shampoo girl din bother (which is normal at times too).

Finally came the final and most important part, the hair trimming. Right after I told him how I wanted my hair to be (basically short and can be spiky a little), he started to work on my hair. To my dismal, he uses the hair trimmer 90% of the time. A saloon that charges RM45.00 for a haircut with wash, that is so unprofessional. All my previous experience for the past few years, the stylist only uses one pair of scissors and at most is two pairs. Hair trimmer only come in at the last part for about 5% of the whole process. If I were to pay RM45.00 for that, I would rather go for a 15minutes hair cut kinda shop.

The best part was, he even asked me after he is done "Is this OK?". Its sound like he is unsure on his art work that he needs to get an OK nod from me. At that point of time, my hair is shorten and nothing could be done even if I said NOT OK. No doubt the end result is what I wanted, but I felt its ridiculous to pay that much for a hair cut that is not professional.

That's the price needed to pay when your normal stylist leave the country for a better prospect. You just need to hoop around until you get a suitable stylist.

Added version:

Thought I could spare my hair cut pictures being posted. Guess not. Hahaha.. Here it is...

~ ScOtTiE ~
19th January 2009 (2200 hours)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year 2009 ..... New Targets...

Wow.... its 1st January 2009. A new year, new targets, new path, new mindset and same old me with new resolution. Its an opening of a new story chapter 2009.1 this month. Let me lay down my resolution for the year to remind myself on my achievement to be this wonderful year.


A. My Self Development
1. To attend Anthony Robbins Seminar in Singapore on 4th – 7th September
2. Read one book a month starting from January 2009
3. Attend more seminars – Investment related and Motivational
4. Do up my Financial Planning for Financial Freedom by January 2009

B. My “Material”
1. Using Dell Inspiron Laptop by April 2009

C. My Enjoyment/ Relaxation
1. Relax in one of the beautiful island in Malaysia (Redang, Lang Tengah or Sipadan) – before end of June 2009
2. Enjoy a wonderful holiday in Bali, Indonesia – before end of December 2009

D. My Achievement
1. Increase a level up on my People Development Skill
2. Slim down my tummy before Chinese New Year 2009 ends
3. Nice tone slim body by May 2009
4. Able to play a song with my guitar
5. Paint my room (with one feature wall)
6. Re-arrange my room for a more comfortable feel
7. Become a Millionaire by age 32
8. Change my personal outlook and a better personal care for a better appearance.

E. My Responsible to Society
1. Serve more people by attending more Public Duty
2. Involve in at least one (1) community project with a NGO

F. My Others
1. Appreciate all people around me – family members, friends, colleague, etc
2. Continue to adapt a positive mind whenever and where ever on what ever
3. To inspire more individuals through learning and sharing
4. Take fast and effective decision that I am making in my life

May all my family members, friends (present or past), colleagues (current or ex), and all (who knew me or not) be blessed with good health and fortune in the Year 2009. May all those who are suffering be free from it all, all those who are down be lifted up in no time and those who are happy to be even happier.

~ ScOtTiE ~
1st January 2009 (0017 hours)