Finally, after much procrastination, my most awaited blog (by me the only one); my blog is up and on air. Finding the best title that I can ever put to set this whole thing up is a headache. My blog in short "My P.L.S" is meant for both sharing and discovery learning with everyone in the world who view and are interested in my StOrIeS. Would sincerely appreciate anyone who wish to key down any comments, ideas, feelings or whatever at the end of each "My P.L.S" master piece....

Monday, December 29, 2008

Closing Chapter

The light is slowly becoming a thin line and soon it will be gone forever. Another closing chapter is about to happen in everyone's life. When the clock strike 0000 hours on 1st January 2009, all that we have experienced in Year 2008 will become another book of history in our subconscious mind. Are we going to bring the experience forward just like in accounts or we shall put things aside and start afresh? The answer to this question would differ from one person to another.

As for me, I choose to have my experience in 2008 crafted here with words. So that I would not bring forward all those challenges and problems this year to the coming PROMISING year 2009.

Year 2008 is a remarkable year not only for myself but also to the world as a whole. So many news and issues happened. Most of it are big stuff and I'm sure all would know. Leading the way is our General Election whereby BN had lost their 2/3 majority in the Parliament. This is a big story accross the nation. Hence, this leads to some political issues for some time back then. While this is going on, we have the US subprime issue that happened to be a ultimate time bomb that have everyone in the world affected no matter how big or small. Lehman Brothers from US that has been around for many years file for bankruptcy. With this, flowing in are other big companies and banks who spell for trouble. Everyone is so worried on what would happen to the financial market in the coming few months or years. It is what they called now a confidence crisis.

On top of those, we have the crude oil price shoot to an all time high of almost USD150 per barrel. Well that affect us in Malaysia tremendously when the government decided to push up the petrol price to a record high of RM2.70 per litre. At that time, to have a full tank will cost me almost RM100.00. Luckily the petrol price has drop to RM1.80 per litre now. That was a real relieve. With this, we also see all the food price gone up and the following effect to it would be inflation that shoot up as high as 8 over percent. That's only the BNM announced figure, what about our individual inflation figure????

As for my own individual experience for year 2008 would be a colourful encounter. There's so many things happened and some are totally opposite from the others. January to early March I would be wearing a t shirt and jeans or maybe a short pants to work. Now - I am wearing a smart executive attire finishing with a tie to work. I used to work in outdoor like jungle or maybe running around in KL City for a training program. Now - my training are all under the roof with aircondition. Be it shine or rain, I am spared from it all. Carrying large object like planks and crates are part of my work, now the heaviest object I would need to carry for training is a laptop.

I've also gone through a tough time where I do not have a secure job in hand as I resigned before I could manage to get another job. Experienced of not getting my two (2) months salary (still not getting it till now) and have to find ways to survive. Part time, short time and whatever time you called it, as long as it could make money and not breaking the laws, I'm into it. Gone through tough time where arguements are everywhere around.

Anyway all this lead to positive things in my life. It makes me stronger and be more resourceful in anything that I want to achive. Some says, its only where you are being put at the edge, only you would be thinking out of the box and find solutions. I mean as many solutions and as fast as you can. That lifted my life to another level in me. Due to that as well, I landed myself into something that I enjoyed alot more. More in terms of knowledge, skills, people and appearance.

There's too many things happened in Year 2008. All in all, it's a beautiful experience. One of my friend once told me, "Every negative encounter happened for a positive reason". Its black and white, Ying and Yang, Male and Female and etc. All is in a pair; so if you were to have a down moment, fear not as the happy side will soon come into picture to pair it up.

" Fear not, everything are destined to be in pair; the happy and the sad"

~ ScOtTiE ~
30th December 2008 (0040 hours)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

...with all that said and done, I wanna wish you a great(er) year ahead (2009). Hope 2009 would be a joyful and prosperous one for you..