Finally, after much procrastination, my most awaited blog (by me the only one); my blog is up and on air. Finding the best title that I can ever put to set this whole thing up is a headache. My blog in short "My P.L.S" is meant for both sharing and discovery learning with everyone in the world who view and are interested in my StOrIeS. Would sincerely appreciate anyone who wish to key down any comments, ideas, feelings or whatever at the end of each "My P.L.S" master piece....

Monday, December 31, 2007

Great Year 2007 ...


(Last Shot of picture in my office for Year 2007)

In less than 12hours, the clock will strike 12am. Hence, goodbye would be said to Year 2007. It has been a lot of venture done this year. Going up the deepest meaning of life and love. At the same time, climbing up the highest mountain of realization and joy. Not forgetting, being lost in the dark of a long inhibited cave of the nature. All these would be gone and shall be remembered deep in my heart and up on my wonderful brain forever.

Before it's too late, before I stake the 2007 experience as memory down back my brain, before the countdown begin, I'll wish to put down all achievement and things I could improve more this year to be widely remembered by all.

Year 2007 has been a tough year for me. Tho its tough, I would always take it as an opportunity for me to do and to be better in all I'm going through. This year :

1. I have traveled to lots of places for holiday and for work : Malaysia : Fraser's Hill, Club Med Cherating, Adeline's Rest House (Gopeng), Berjaya Hills, Lake Kenyir, Desaru Johor, Genting Highland, Port Dickson, Terengganu, Penang, Ipoh, Chilling Waterfall, Indonesia : Bandung (Jan), Bali (Jan) Singapore

2. I have had a better understanding on how to appreciate things and someone I have in my life. Be it someone special or just a normal items that seems to be useless to me.

3. I have found ways to improve myself financially. (yeah... close to one of my life goal : Financial Freedom)

4. I have decided that I shall be staying on in People Development as my career.

5. I have been through a dark & tough 2 months where there's no light to help me to move on.

6. I have put myself in bad shape financially. (I am still positive despite all challenges ahead)

7. I have managed to organised a Training Camp for KL SJI A/C since myself becoming an Officer 3 years ago. Thx to the organizing committee : Calvin, Yip Yun, Eugene

8. I have paid for the most expensive hair cut since I was born in 1981.

9. I have made a wrong investment in one of the most expensive non physical item on my list. (Still finding ways to adapt to it... but am still positive)

10. I realized I have a bunch of close and trusted friends.

11. I get to extend my personal connection to a larger pool of people.

12. I had lots of fun & experience during the SJAM National First Aid Competition in Terengganu.

13. I missed the Spiderman Premier show in KLCC that I got it for free.

14. I've got myself an ear ring without going to pierce my ear!!! (magnetic ear ring.. lol)

15. I have had a wonderful birthday celebration in Genting Highland (Thank you to you... )

16. I enjoyed nice food in Adeline's Rest House - home cook food ; Kuantan - Cendol, Roti Canai, Beef Noodle Soup, Asam Laksa ; Puchong - Water Lily (BBQ Lamb), Yong Tau Foo ; Taman Paramount - Fish Ball, Black Glutinous Rice with Tong Yuan ; Bali - Babi Guling ; Johor Bahru - some inner parts of a pig body food ; Terengganu - Ho Yum

17. I have watched "The Secret" that have changed my perception and thoughts in looking things in life. "Everything is what you think. You attract what you think in Life - Law of Attraction"

18. I have realized that "Law of Abundance" exist. it says "everything in this world is enough for everyone to be happy, to be wealthy, to be satisfy...."

19. .......

We have so many memories, how much can we keep until the day we have our last breath? My friend recently told me, "another year has pass, its so fast". Not wanting to agree that the year is passing fast, I explain to her...

"Most of the time we think the times fly because we did not notice what we have done throughout the whole year. We have achieved so many things in life, in work, in study or in whatever it is without us even knowing it. If we do think carefully and recall what we have done in Year 2007, all of us will be surprise that we have done so much. Hence, the time did not fly, we flew faster than 365days. "

I have just recalled what I did this year. Have you?

- ScOtTiE -
31st Dec 2007 (1401 hours)

Monday, December 24, 2007


" Kuchi, Kuchi, Ku. Chiak "

Some baby or small children words we use to communicate or have fun with them. It's so amazing looking at small children with their own world at times. No worries for work, no worries for study, no worries for money, no worries on being embaress, no worries on so many damn things that we ADULTS are having now.

Life is just so simple. The only way they made their way to get what they want is to cry. Crying is the best solution for most children. They are so simple that most of the times we take them for granted. We push our responsibilities to them. We de-stress; using children as a way.

Flip through our newspaper today, so many news related to children. Maid cause hurt to infant, 6 years old girls being rape and murder, children being kidnap, children abuse using iron, father regret giving child poison to end their misery, etc....

Its heart aching and breaking to know such a real life story in Malaysia. To some this kind of nes is so common. These are only those few where its been made public to everyone on newspaper, radio or tv. What about those unreported?? What about those abuse where no one knows? What about those we do it so often on children that we didn't realize it would give a big impact on them. What do I mean ??

Answer this question honestly. Have you ever caught into a situation where a child say something (truth) that embaress you or put you in hot soup? Have you ever try stopping them from saying it or divert the whole story by telling others the child is lying? Most of the time, we manage to get our way out by just pushing back the blame on these children.

Theres a saying, "Children would not lie". Yet our Adult life is so complicated. We do everything to achieve our goals while in work or study. We brought this attitude towards treating a child. Hence, most of the times, these children are being teach in a wrong way, taking the action we did is correct. In long run, they grew up as a wicked person and blaming everyone for every failure in their life.

Should this be continue? Is this what we want from our children in the future? Their once being happy in their life will soon become being cautious to everyone they meet. Aren't we tired in wearing different mask while meeting different people? Are we had enough in telling lies everywhere just to get our way out?

Its for us to ponder..........

- ScOtTiE -

24th December 2007 (1802 hours)

Friday, December 21, 2007

KL SJI A/C Training Camp 2007

It's been three (3) years; at last the first training camp on my tenure as KL SJI A/C's Divisional Officer came true. 15th - 17th December this year marked that special event for the division. Coming together to put up the whole camp was only nine (9) members and three (3) organizing committee members. Yeah... its only NINE of them. Even tho the participants is not much (with two ffk last minute), I would say its a well organized camp; the fact that its kinda last minute.

Day 1

I reached only at night as I was working that day in Bukit Jalil Golf & Resort (on program). As soon as I got into the class room, I started my first agenda for the camp. "Equipment Run". Sharing some ideas and thoughts about the equipments in the first aid kit as well as some other equipment. Later that night was their orientation night.

Day 2

This is the day where the members strength and mind are being put to test. Commando Endurance, MEFA, games, and other brain cracking activities have pull them down towards the end of day 2. Brain storming session was done at night. Getting members to put themselves in different roles and write what they think about their own division

Day 3
After 2 days of running around and strength test, the last day of this camp wasn't any easier. The ultimate activity was being put on the last day. When you are tired and not having enough sleep, how far can you push yourself?KL SJI A/C members pushes themselves to the max (at least to finish up the task). Oh yeah, the last activity for the camp is "First Aid Amaazing Race". It taps the members on teamwork, trust, ideas sharing, and of course quality.

It is always hard to start and its even harder to mantain. However, it always come from the first step. Without it, nothing will ever happen giving the time for another 10 more years. Even the participants level is low this year, at the minimum, this is the first step in getting a camp being organize. More shall come in the future. Good job guys and may all of you have a wonderful experience in the division until the very last day as a cadet member of SJAM.

Great work to Yap Calvin (Organizing chairman), Yip Yun & Eugene. Also thanks to Yoke Choy, Yoke Teck and also Shiau Wan for all help given. Be it small or big, we appreciate it.

" People come and go in our life, only a few could leave fond memories. Those few are people who we spend time with during our studies in any organizations "

- ScOtTiE -
24th December 2007 (1728 hours)

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

* cYcLe *

What goes around, comes around. What goes up, must
come down .....

"This is the economy cYcLe. Its goes up to a certain level, then it comes down and it goes up again". The economy cYcLe was being taught to me when I was in form 3 during a Kemahiran Hidup class. I still remember we were all seated in a special room that looks like a kitchen. My teacher was drawing on a white board with fan spinning around above our head. It was windy of course.

Those were the days when a new theory was being absorb in my mind forever. Not untill later in my journey towards a more knowledgeable me that I understand more. Whatever we been through day after day, is actually a cYcLe; also can be term as circle. We goes through the same 365days every year; we goes through the same 7 days a week; we goes through the same 24hours a day; we goes through the same routine (work, study, eat, shower, shit, etc); we goes through a conversation with the same people again and again.

We have our peak moments in life where we felt life is beautiful, rainbows are everywhere, birds are chirping, and life is great!! Then we come down to a point where our life sucks to the maximum, we could no longer bear with all problems lies infront of us, we want to run to a place where there's peace - where we could start all over again. Next, all we know, we found a solution to the initial problems and life is great again. At times, thinking back to ourselves, on our stupidity in wasting time for all nonsense only later when results (be it good or bad) has revealed. However we think later, we will still fall into the same cYcLe again in getting upset and then feeling happy again. Homosapien . . . thats life they said.

All the times we could choose to be what we want to be. When times are bad, and we choose to be upset and blaming others rather than thinking about the solution; our life will be SUCKS! If we choose otherwise, we save our time and use it better to find a solution. Meaning a faster recovery from any setback.

Its all about cYcLe in love as well (at least for me). Being compromise and sacrifice is a must in a relationship between two person; someone told me last time. But then again, how much can you compromise and how much will you sacrifice. The standard in each of us are so different. My standard maybe high in getting care from someone I love. But the other party may not be giving according to my standard because their standard is different; its lower. Hence I will be getting what they think its best according to their standard.

Hence, appreciate what you have no matter how small or how few you think you are getting. Ask yourself these today:
1. How many things in life that you have now; you are grateful for it?
2. Did you say thank you / a lil prayer every time you manage to solve a problem?
3. Have you hug someone lately and say "I like you" / "I love you" / "Thank you for everything" ?

Done any of it yet? No? It's okay. Life is a cYcLe, there will be time where you can do it. When is it, the time is now and now.

* Finally completed this blog after many days being stored in the fridge

- ScOtTiE -
24th December 2007 (1538 hours)

Sunday, December 2, 2007

* AcRoSs ThE uNiVeRsE * - Movie

Best way to start up your first day of the last month in Year 2007 is to have did something different. As for me, doing something usual has turn out to be something different. I still have mix feeling about it with some time I would think "Wow.. it was great. Am gonna do it again". Also at some point I would think "Mmmm... kinda weird and its boring, right?".

The usual but unexpected 'action' for a Saturday would be watching a movie. It started off badly when I couldn't find the cinema in CineLeisure. Walking around, going up and down the escalator, having myself out the building and thinking the entrance is from outside and jumping down from a platform with my left ankle still hurt for more than a week now (Yeah, you are right, what a fool not knowing where is the cinema.. come on, its my first time there alrite?? LOL). Finally when I found the cinema and was my turn to get my tickets which I have booked 2 days earlier; finding out I actually booked a Friday show instead of a Saturday. Damn, that was kinda embarassing. Well I paid the tickets for a 1.55pm show to a movie *AcRoSs ThE uNiVeRsE*.

I did not exactly know what this movie is all about. All I knew was, its a love story which talks about some cross culture thingy. The word cross culture excites my brain and I thought to myself it will be an interesting movie. Imagining the main actors in the movie moving from one continent to another exploring different cultures was what playing in my mind. Well, right before the show start my friend warn me "You better make sure this show is good!". wow... that phrase freak me off as I'm not sure too and pushing half the responsibility to him that it was you who agree to watch this too.

A guy was shown on the screen with a beach and sea background to start off the movie; and he sung. Ooooo.. this is not gonna be good. It continues and actors in the movie started to sing and dance. All of a sudden my hand was being knocked by my friend and remembering he told me once he doesn't like this kinda movie. I am in deep s*** now. As much as I am feeling the guilt, I still try to enjoy the movie. Its kinda hard to accept when I have make myself prepare for a serious yet brain tearing scenes. It turns out to be songs and its not one or two for the whole 2 hours & 15 minutes session, but it comprises of 32 songs in total.

At some point it was like some Hindi movies with people coming out from no where and the main actor will sing and the rest of those dancing. Certain part it was more like an MTV. Yet most of those songs are good and I would say its nice. Knowing it later that it was from Beatles. The longer I sat down on Seat H7, the more I understand the story and slowly letting the uncommon way of music being presented in a cinema to bypass my defence system. No doubt there's certain part where its kinda boring and kinda over acting in some of those songs sessions.

This movie is about a guy(Jude) who left Liverpool to look for his father in one of the university in America. Hence, lead him in knowing another guy (Max). This encounter change their pathway and later on leads them to New York. It is in a room they rented in NY that brings together a group of friends which soon to be formed. Sadie (the landlord lady), Prudence, JoJo, and Lucy (Max's sister cum Jude's gf). It projected the life of each person on how they get to know each other, doing what they want, and how the love relation sparks, later blown off and finally being together again.

Watching this show has given me an insight on the miracle of people meeting one another. Staying together for a chat or two, working out some projects, forming into a deep relationship; not knowing the fact that we meet everyone because miracle took place putting all from everywhere in one place. The place where friendship made, the place where love ones found, the place where strength is build, and the place where memories are embedded. Besides it also tells that at one point of anytime, there's so many thing happened around us. Do we realize it? Do we appreciate it?

All in all *AcRoSs ThE uNiVeRsE* is a good movie to be watch if you can adapt to switches from Hindi type to MTV type and if you like Beatles's songs. Mmmm... maybe its not so nice after all. It's just a compilation of all music videos in a movie. Can watch it everywhere I want. Well I think I still have mix feelings, what about you??

- ScOtTiE -

02 Dec 2007 (1451 hours)