Finally, after much procrastination, my most awaited blog (by me the only one); my blog is up and on air. Finding the best title that I can ever put to set this whole thing up is a headache. My blog in short "My P.L.S" is meant for both sharing and discovery learning with everyone in the world who view and are interested in my StOrIeS. Would sincerely appreciate anyone who wish to key down any comments, ideas, feelings or whatever at the end of each "My P.L.S" master piece....

Saturday, January 19, 2008

"Living In The Present With Joy" by Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh

Just read an article entitle "Living In The Present With Joy" by Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh. Got this book "How To Develop Happiness In Daily Living" from SS2, PJ (Ming Tien) for free. Been keeping this book in my book shelf for quite some time. Only just now I've read it with full meaning out of it. Guess when all opportunity comes in our life that we look things differently. That we read more motivating books in order for us to align back our emotions and actions together.

This article simply tells about how "we" (most of us) have not been living ourselves fully in the present. Recently a friend of mine, Tim told me "while we are living in the present moment, there are thousands of thoughts vibrating out from our brain about our past and future". This vibrations of ours, ensure that we could not live our life fully in PRESENT.

There is this story in the article about Buddha holding a flower infront of 1,250 audiences. He did not said or do anything but tol hold the flower for quite a while. Only to smile when he saw one of the monk smile to him and the flower he is holding. The reasoning behind is that for the 1,249 monks, they were thinking why is Buddha holding the flower and not saying anything. However for the monk who smile, he sees it as as it (Buddha holding the flower and wanted to show to all of them). Hence, his mind is pure in the sense that he see things PRESENTLY and enjoy the moment the flower been showed to them.

Whenever we have pain or dealt with some challenges in life, we use to ask "What is wrong?". Hardly we would look at it in different angle. Hence, we get upset easily by thinking "Why this happen to me?" all the time. We could somehow think "What is right in the particular situation". Only with this positive thoughts in mind, that we sees things clearly, have a lighted path to move on in life. Every stumble in life shows us how wonderful life is when there's no worries and problems in things we do. Without the experience of falling down, we would not know how beautiful life could be when there are none.

Live life in present with Joy: this is what I would want to share with all those who knew me and all those who don't. It would not be an easy journey to live life beautifully; I am sure I will be living my PRESENT with joy.

As I am typing this, I'm listening to some soothing reiki and meditation music. Believe me, it set my mood to continue typing and boost up my energy on what I'm trying to express and share.

I pray for all in the world be it seen or unseen to live their life with Joy and appreciate each and every moments in their PRESENT. May all be bless with laughters and wisdom everytime of the day. Hence, we shall have world peace.........

- ScOtTiE -

19th January 2008 (2216 hours)

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Music Train Ride

It was just on the right time when I reached the station. Blue & yellow color train was slowly forwarding itself to the platform. While this happened, I was walking faster than my normal pace to ensure I catch the train.

Everyone were moving in like zombie on a Wednesday morning to work, class or whatever the reason they themselves know. It was then I took my spot, behind a pole while leaning against the window. There was a lady with short hair standing next to me on my left. At the same time, theres another uncle with long beard and a spec on my right. The rest were scattered everywhere.

The normal train ride where everyone would mind their own business, have had a change this time around. The attraction lies in the center of the coach I'm in. Three uncles with two of them holding n harmonica and vibrate soothing musics from their mouth and harmonicas. There were silence with one on the cell phone and some reading. Whatever everyone is doing, all ears are listening.

I thought to myself, this scene is hardly to happen in Malaysia. All of a sudden my mind struck my brain. Imagining some in the train starts to sing, a few dancing and the rest tapping or moving along with the music. Such a scene, can never happen in Malaysia, especially in Kuala Lumpur where everyone is so busy.

Coming to think about it, this imagination of mine is just a sign to show everyone that we have forgotten how to be happy & relax in our life. That we have seem so busy that we forgotten the power of joy. At one part where the uncles played one of the Malaysia songs, (which I forgotten the name of the song) and all of a sudden I felt I love my country so much. With different races in that particular coach. With that song played, I felt everyone is so connected and we are Malaysian. 50 years of freedom, this is the very first time I felt so connected with others whom I don't know in the KTM train.

There's so many things in life we wanted to gain. Many a time or all the time, we tend to forget where we come from and why are we here. Hence, we are so stressful and giving ourselves negative ideas and thoughts. With this, we brush away the root of the reason on why we are here in the first place.

New experience and learning in this new year 2008. Shall never forget this morning KTM train experience to Rawang at 8.55am from Serdang KTM Station.

- ScOtTiE -
Putra KTM STation (9.34am)