Finally, after much procrastination, my most awaited blog (by me the only one); my blog is up and on air. Finding the best title that I can ever put to set this whole thing up is a headache. My blog in short "My P.L.S" is meant for both sharing and discovery learning with everyone in the world who view and are interested in my StOrIeS. Would sincerely appreciate anyone who wish to key down any comments, ideas, feelings or whatever at the end of each "My P.L.S" master piece....

Monday, July 19, 2010

Nothing Last Forever.....

Best memories are most of the time while we are still young and small. There's always a look back when we grew older and find ourselves so much happier during growing years. No matter how many unhappy or happy fond memories, it will still be something fodn in our mind.

Things changes so fast as we grew, nothing last forever. Things happen and dissapeared. People come and go. Medals won and kept. Friends found and kept but sometimes lost. Nothing would last forever at the end of the day.

It is how much we cheerish the current moments would enable us to have more fond and happy memories to be kept aside as we grew older. While we are so buzy thinking of accumulating more and more thing in life. There are also things which we have left behind while we are so engross in climbing up the ladder. Sometimes, we forget and left those things behind us.

How many of us would have memories where we hope it could be played llike a movie on our TV. The are moments when we are so tired and just to hope for some relax moment. A moment of truth by looking back what we have been through to being us to where we are. Also to realised who to thank, what helped us and what challenges we've been through to reached here now. It would be best if it could be played in a movie.

Food for thought of the day:
Find some time to sit down all alone and reflect what has happened for the past one year or few years. Think about what has happened and what brought us where we are now. Do this at least once a year. This could help us in finding our path along the way towards our goals in life.

Found some feel in writing this blog after watching a Hong Kong movie "Echoes Of The Rainbow". Great movie being seen from a child's perpective and things been through in his life as a child.

Signing Off,
~ ScOtTiE ~

Friday, July 16, 2010

The Fine Line : Reality & Fact

There's always this saying "Do not look at what we don't have, instead make the most out of what we have".

Humans are such a cute creature where we always feel we have not got enough of what we have. When you said you have enough, there are someone out there who would tell you "why would you limit yourself to only what you have, you should strike more". Come to think about it, isn't the sentence true? Another person will come up and say "You are not grateful to what you have by always complaining not having enough and want more". Once again, isn't this sentence make sense as well.

However, there is always this fine line that most of us would not see. Some may knew bout it but choose to ignore it. Not limiting our own self in achieving more and not complaining what we lack of is in between a fine line. The line is called, REALITY and FACT. No matter how much and how loud we would want to complain, nothing would happen if no action is being taken. This is a fact. At the same time, we also knew that, if we keep on limit ourselves in telling we cant achieve this and that, it is guaranteed that we are not going to achieve anything at all. The reality is anything is achieveable if we persist until the last drop of our energy.

Our challenge is always not being able to differentiate this fine line. To work this out, differentiation between "Controlable" and "Uncontrolable" is highly important. We have to always want to strike to achieve as much as we can using all the resources and items that we have a control of. At the same time, stop complaining on all things we lack of as this would be items we are unable to control.

1. Close our eyes and heart on items that we can not change. Hence, we always appreciate all things we have at the current moment. (Eg: I cant be rich because my parents are not rich and not educated)

2. Open up our wisdom and heart for all items that we could change. This would enable us to push ourselves to another level for greater success. (Eg: I can earn as much as I want even though I am not from a rich family background.)

3. When confuse or unsure, take a pen and pull a a piece of white paper. Divide it into two side and write down our challenge in the top middle. Next, write down all things that we could control on the left hand side and all things uncontrolable on the right hand side.

4. Read and compare. Voila, you would be able to find the most suitable solution to you at that point of time.

~ ScOtTiE ~