Finally, after much procrastination, my most awaited blog (by me the only one); my blog is up and on air. Finding the best title that I can ever put to set this whole thing up is a headache. My blog in short "My P.L.S" is meant for both sharing and discovery learning with everyone in the world who view and are interested in my StOrIeS. Would sincerely appreciate anyone who wish to key down any comments, ideas, feelings or whatever at the end of each "My P.L.S" master piece....

Monday, June 28, 2010

It's Always Easy To Point Finger At Others

"I just don't understand why they have nothing at all" ~ "He should be responsible, he is the one who make that big mistake!".

Some how these are very common things we would hear from people around us. It is always easier to point fingers at others whenever problems kick in. Whether what has been claimed is true or not, that does not matter. Most of the time it's all about who said it first, who said it loudest, who re-told the story that make more logical sense, and who have more people to pity for. Our daily lives are revolve around onto this small yet important matters.

Pointing without investigating or even asking is a very dangerous move. Even an investigation with a certain impression in mind would not help any much either. How many times have we raise our anger and just point our fingers onto someone when something happened, to only find out we have blame the wrong person?

Sometimes a sorry will delete off the memory, but some the scar will be there forever no matter how many sorry we said. At times, it may not be scar, but an impact so great that could affect the rest of the life of a person. All these are so subtle that no one would know whats going to happen in the future.

Sometime ago I heard from a radio station, "Allow someone who is in a hurry to pass by while on the road, because you never know the person maybe in a hurry to get his wife to the hospital as a new born is knocking on the womb for freedom". Most often we would just curse in our car while we are driving when we come across this situation and asking why are they moving so fast for. This could be different if we could be seeing things from another point of view.

Food for thought of the day: "Whatever comes up, take a deep breath and count to from 1 - 10. Calm down and relax ourselves. Then, see things from another point of view and try to resolve the current situation rather than to point fingers. Find out where went wrong and ensure no one would repeat it again. Hence, voila, a new knowledge would be learnt by everyone in the situation. "

Signing off for this time:
~ ScOtTiE ~
28 June 2009 (0043 hours)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Long Absent.... But More Focus....

Wow, it has been a long time since my last drop of sentence over here in my blog. It's time to come back for real good. This wil also be my first for Year 2010. So what have I missed:-

1. Year 2010 Resolution - I still have it in my book, just that it is not publish. Guess it's time to relook again on what I have jot down since the first half of the year is soon to be over.

2. Places & Food - Been to quite another few places while at work. Have not got a chance to take photos of those and put it up here....

Well not too much that I have missed though.

Something just strike my mind today after my CFP exam paper this evening when I am back home. While exam is over, it seems as though there's another thing in my life that has gone missing. Although there would be another module to go, however that would be something for the month of December 2010 to think about. Anyhow, this is going to end at the end of the day.

Shoulders seems always lighter everytime when a tack is complete. However, while there one task complete, sometimes we would be thinking what's next. This would not be the case, if we would know what else that we should look out for after one task is completed.

We always wanted so many things in our life, however we fail to realise that we must be able to have our next plan ready before our current task complete. Hence, our path would be full of colors and activities without having a vacum left unfilled. Realising that this would be the fact of life, I have start up something that I have been thinking for long time.

With a small little note pad, I will jot down all the small things that I want to do. This would enable me to stay focus on things that paint my life with more colours. Besides, it serves as a reminder for me to do things that I need. I have started this for my work, but never for my personal to do list items. Now it is up. Yeah!!!!

If any of you who are reading this, start one of yours now. Make sure there's always two different set; one for work and one for personal. It is always good to different work with our personal items.

"Think is good, start doing it is GREAT!!! "

Signing off,
- ScOtTiE -