Finally, after much procrastination, my most awaited blog (by me the only one); my blog is up and on air. Finding the best title that I can ever put to set this whole thing up is a headache. My blog in short "My P.L.S" is meant for both sharing and discovery learning with everyone in the world who view and are interested in my StOrIeS. Would sincerely appreciate anyone who wish to key down any comments, ideas, feelings or whatever at the end of each "My P.L.S" master piece....

Sunday, April 19, 2009

An Organization That Motivates or Maybe Not

I always believed it is very important to keep on motivating individuals including ourselves to do more than what we can. Also most importantly is to ensure we continue doing the things better and better. Hence, if we are taking care a group of people, it is vital to have all these in place.

So many years being part of these Non Government Organization uniform body in Malaysia, it is indeed an experience full with ups and down. What motivates me to moved on from time to time are genuine people I meet throughout the years. Be it my superior, peers or even my members. All of whom I regarded as FRIENDS. Whatever I have received during my juniors years, I have reciprocate back to all those my juniors now too. Those include some motivation and help I have received along the way.

Well where ever there are people, there would be someone would like to used their power to press on some junior people. This happened to be someone who is the head of the state. I have always been on the neutral side until recently that I needed to put this feelings and thought of mine here on my blog.

"There was a ceremony that gives out a five (5) years service medal to all qualified. Obviously I am one of the recipient. However, due to work commitment, I could not attend the the ceremony and received it on my own. Hence, I went and asked whether I could have it since I was absent. The answer is no and I have to wait for the next ceremony. While I do understand that, but could not stop some questions on my mind:-

1. I knew of someone who managed to get from him. So what she can and I cant?
2. Reason given for not giving it to me now as to give me a lesson for not attending the ceremony. If that's the reason, then I would find the leader who never put himself in someone else shoes.

The fact that this was a NGO and I knew I have sacrificed alot of my time and money to build those members under me and also helping the organization in a way or another. I don't see why these should served as a lesson fr nt attending the ceremony if I have more important things to do, such as something that will give me income for me to live on. A simple thing that could be done to motivate a person to work more for teh organization will be dampen by just a simple medal.

By the way, I am not a person who eyed for medals and rewards. I knew that I have spent more time and money as compare to what I have gt so far. I am very happy and grateful with what I have now and the opportunities given to me. The only thing that I think the organization or maybe this leader lack of is the sense of motivating others.

A medal that cost RM50 (paid by one of my sponsor) will just be idle in his room and not knowing when would be the next ceremony and whether it would be given to me by then.

With such a simple ways to be grateful towards the members that have served for such a long time, the only motivation is "you can have it as to give you a lesson and wait for the next ceremony".

When that time comes, I think I'm getting my 10 years service medal. What a motivation from a big NGO............

~ ScOtTiE ~
19 April 2009 (2305 hours)