Finally, after much procrastination, my most awaited blog (by me the only one); my blog is up and on air. Finding the best title that I can ever put to set this whole thing up is a headache. My blog in short "My P.L.S" is meant for both sharing and discovery learning with everyone in the world who view and are interested in my StOrIeS. Would sincerely appreciate anyone who wish to key down any comments, ideas, feelings or whatever at the end of each "My P.L.S" master piece....

Saturday, November 10, 2007

* ChOiCe *

In Between Now & Future ...

It's such a simple word. Yet we always have problem in making a ChOiCe. In between now and future. In between needs and wants. In between money and friends. In between love and sex. In between Heaven & Hell.

Six alphabets word has the power to make our lives goes up & down, being messy and having a state of stressful mind. Has anyone ever wonder WHY ChOiCe exist in the first place? Has anyone wonder WHY do we need to make a ChOiCe?

Recently I have gone through a few months long tough time (still do but settle down quite abit). Everything a young energetic guy who is out in the community pursuing his career path would ever imagine, is happening. Be it relation, work, personal finance, and etc; all came at the same time. Juggling to cope with everything is the hardest things in life so far. Hence, ChOiCe came in and there I am facing the fork road to continue my quest of a life time.

I always think and always will, ChOiCe is in our hand. In any situation that we encounter, we are given option to choose what we want, what outcome we hope to see, what decision we need to make, and which road we plan to walk. We may have limited options at times, but it is our mind, our heart, our hands & legs to choose the best ChOiCe that we could make at that point of time.

Life is short some says. I would say, it doesn't matter whether Life is short or long, as long as we enjoyed it and make gratitute everyday on things we have, on people we knew, on sweet memories that we felt, on everything that would gives you hope and happiness. Enjoy what you have now and accepting everything that happens in life is the best ChOiCe one would ever make. Its easy to say; hard to do.

" You are not here to try get the world to be just as you wanted it to be, you are here to create the world around you that you CHOOSE, while you allow the world that others CHOOSE it to be to exist also "
captured from the movie "The Secret"

- ScOtTiE -

12 Nov 2007 (1119 hours)